How to create an offline connection to a Sonic domain with the Sonic Management Console
Question/Problem Description
How to create an offline connection to a Sonic domain with the Sonic Management Console
How can I connect to the Sonic domain with the Sonic Management Console if the Domain Manager will not start?
How to configure a Sonic installation when the management container is down
How do I connect to a Sonic domain that is offline?
SonicMQ All Supported Operating Systems
Ensure that the management container is not running (even in a 'limbo' state with the broker down). Shut down or kill the process if necessary.
If using a version prior to 7.5, remove the 'lock' file from the <Domain>/data/_MFSystem directory if it exists.
In 7.6, look for a 'lock' file in the <Domain>/data.odb/ directory and remove it if it exists.
Start the Sonic Management Console.
Fill in the Create Connection parameters as follows:
Connection Name : enter a name of your choice, e.g. 'MyDomain (offline)'
Domain Name : the name of the Sonic domain
Connection URL : enter the path to the ds.xml file. For example, instead of the usual management broker URL (e.g. tcp://localhost:2506), the field might contain: C:\SonicMQ\ds.xml
Username : not required - can be left blank
Password : must be left blank, unless the domain storage has been encrypted using the PBE tool (pbetool), in which case the encryption password must be entered - note this only works with SonicMQ 7.x and later, in earlier versions the domain storage must be unencrypted manually using pbetool prior to creating the offline connection
Uncheck the 'Default Connection' checkbox
Click 'OK' to complete the connection.
Before restarting the management container, close the Sonic Management Console connection so that it releases its lock on the domain.
After the broker has been restarted, subsequent connections with the Sonic Management Console must use the broker URL , not the ds.xml file.
This solution must not be used for normal management connections/configuration when the management broker is running.
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Internal Comments
SonicMQ Category: Sonic Management ConsoleInternal Notes
If it is not possible to run the Sonic Management Console on the machine where the domain storage is located, see Solution S559, "How to create an offline Sonic Management Console connection to remote domain storage" .References to Written Documentation:
SonicMQ Configuration and Management Guide, "Configuring Framework Components", "Directory Service", "Connecting Off Line" </supportagent>